/* Get RestroPress Cookie */ function rp_getCookie( cname ) { var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for( var i=0; i initTopPosition) $('.sticky-sidebar').addClass('mobile-sticky'); else $('.sticky-sidebar').removeClass('mobile-sticky'); }); //Remove loading from modal $( '#rpressModal' ).removeClass('loading'); //Remove service options from modal $( '#rpressModal' ).removeClass( 'show-service-options' ); $( '#rpressModal' ).removeClass( 'minimum-order-notice' ); $( '#rpressModal' ).on('hidden.bs.modal', function () { $( '#rpressModal' ).removeClass( 'show-service-options' ); $( '#rpressModal' ).removeClass( 'minimum-order-notice' ); }); var ServiceType = rp_scripts.service_options; if ( ServiceType == 'delivery_and_pickup' ) { ServiceType = 'delivery'; } // Add to Cart $('.rpress-add-to-cart').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var rp_get_delivery_data = rp_get_storage_data(); $( '#rpressModal' ).addClass('loading'); $( '#rpressModal .modal-body' ).html('' + rp_scripts.please_wait + ''); 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$( '#rpressModal .modal-body' ).html( response.data.html ); $( '#rpressModal .cart-item-price').html( response.data.price ); $( '#rpressModal .cart-item-price').attr('data-price', response.data.price_raw); if ( $( '.rpress-tabs-wrapper' ).length ) { $( '#rpressdeliveryTab > li:first-child > a' )[0].click(); } // Trigger event so themes can refresh other areas. $( document.body ).trigger( 'opened_service_options', [ response.data ] ); $( '#rpressModal' ).find( '.submit-fooditem-button' ).attr( 'data-cart-action', 'add-cart' ); $( '#rpressModal' ).find( '.cart-action-text' ).html( rp_scripts.add_to_cart ); if ( fooditem_id !== '' && price !== '' ) { $('#rpressModal').find('.submit-fooditem-button').attr('data-item-id', fooditem_id); //setter $('#rpressModal').find('.submit-fooditem-button').attr('data-item-price', price); $('#rpressModal').find('.submit-fooditem-button').attr('data-item-qty', 1); } update_modal_live_price( 'fooditem-details' ); } }); }); // Update Cart $( '.rpress-sidebar-cart' ).on( 'click', 'a.rpress-edit-from-cart', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); 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$( '#rpressModal .modal-title' ).html( response.data.html_title ); $( '#rpressModal' ).find( ".qty" ).val(FoodQuantity); $( '#rpressModal' ).find( '.submit-fooditem-button' ).attr( 'data-item-id', FoodItemId ); $( '#rpressModal' ).find( '.submit-fooditem-button' ).attr( 'data-cart-key', CartItemId ); $( '#rpressModal' ).find( '.submit-fooditem-button' ).attr( 'data-cart-action', 'update-cart' ); $( '#rpressModal' ).find( '.submit-fooditem-button' ).find( '.cart-action-text' ).html( rp_scripts.update_cart ); $( '#rpressModal' ).find( '.submit-fooditem-button' ).find( '.cart-item-price' ).html( response.data.price ); $( '#rpressModal' ).find( '.submit-fooditem-button' ).find( '.cart-item-price' ).attr('data-price', response.data.price_raw); $( '#rpressModal' ).find( '.submit-fooditem-button' ).attr('data-item-qty', FoodQuantity); $( '#rpressModal .modal-body' ).html( response.data.html ); update_modal_live_price( 'fooditem-update-details' ); } }); } }); // Add to Cart / Update Cart Button From Popup $( document ).on( 'click', '.submit-fooditem-button', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); 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  • '+rp_scripts.total_text+''+response.subtotal+'
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_self.parents('.rpress-delivery-wrap').find('.rpress-errors-wrap').removeClass('disabled').addClass('enable'); return false; } var sDate = serviceDate === undefined ? rpress_scripts.current_date : serviceDate; _self.parents('.rpress-delivery-wrap').find('.rpress-errors-wrap').removeClass('enable').addClass('disabled'); _self.text(rpress_scripts.please_wait); var action = 'rpress_check_service_slot'; var data = { action: action, serviceType: serviceType, serviceTime: serviceTime, service_date: sDate }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: data, dataType: "json", url: rpress_scripts.ajaxurl, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, success: function( response ) { if ( response.status == 'error' ) { _self.text(rpress_scripts.update); _self.parents('#rpressModal').find('.rpress-errors-wrap').html(response.msg).removeClass('disabled'); return false; } else { rp_setCookie( 'service_type', serviceType, rp_scripts.expire_cookie_time ); if ( serviceDate === undefined ) { rp_setCookie( 'service_date', rpress_scripts.current_date, rp_scripts.expire_cookie_time ); rp_setCookie( 'delivery_date', rpress_scripts.display_date, rp_scripts.expire_cookie_time ); } else { var delivery_date = $('.delivery-settings-wrapper.active .rpress_get_delivery_dates option:selected').text(); rp_setCookie( 'service_date', serviceDate, rp_scripts.expire_cookie_time ); rp_setCookie( 'delivery_date', delivery_date, rp_scripts.expire_cookie_time ); } if( serviceTime === undefined ) { rp_setCookie( 'service_time', '', rp_scripts.expire_cookie_time ); } else { rp_setCookie( 'service_time', serviceTime, rp_scripts.expire_cookie_time ); rp_setCookie( 'service_time_text', serviceTimeText, rp_scripts.expire_cookie_time ); } $('#rpressModal').removeClass( 'show-service-options' ); if ( foodItemId ) { $( '#rpressModal' ).addClass('loading'); $('#rpress_fooditem_'+foodItemId).find('.rpress-add-to-cart').trigger('click'); } else { MicroModal.close('rpressModal'); if ( typeof serviceType !== 'undefined' && typeof serviceTime !== 'undefined' ) { $('.delivery-wrap .delivery-opts').html('' + serviceLabel + ', ' + Cookies.get( 'delivery_date' ) + ', ' + serviceTimeText + ''); } else if( typeof serviceTime == 'undefined' ) { $('.delivery-items-options').find('.delivery-opts').html('' + serviceLabel + ', ' + Cookies.get( 'delivery_date' ) + '' ); } } //Trigger checked slot event so that it can be used by theme/plugins $( document.body ).trigger( 'rpress_checked_slots', [response] ); //If it's checkout page then refresh the page to reflect the updated changes. if( rpress_scripts.is_checkout == '1' ) window.location.reload(); } } }); }); // Update Service Date and Time $( document ).on( 'click', '.delivery-change', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var self = $( this ); var action = 'rpress_show_delivery_options'; var ServiceType = rp_getCookie( 'service_type' ); var ServiceTime = rp_getCookie( 'service_time' ); var text = self.text(); self.text(rp_scripts.please_wait); var data = { action : action, security : rp_scripts.service_type_nonce } $( '#rpressModal' ).addClass( 'show-service-options' ); $.ajax({ type : "POST", data : data, dataType : "json", url : rp_scripts.ajaxurl, success: function( response ) { self.text(text); $('#rpressModal .modal-title').html(response.data.html_title); $('#rpressModal .modal-body').html(response.data.html); MicroModal.show('rpressModal'); if ( $( '.rpress-tabs-wrapper' ).length ) { if( ServiceTime !== '' ) { $('.rpress-delivery-wrap').find('select#rpress-'+ServiceType+'-hours').val(ServiceTime); } $('.rpress-delivery-wrap').find('a#nav-'+ ServiceType + '-tab').trigger('click'); } // Trigger event so themes can refresh other areas. $( document.body ).trigger( 'opened_service_options', [ response.data ] ); } }) }); // Remove Item from Cart $('.rpress-cart').on('click', '.rpress-remove-from-cart', function(event) { var $this = $(this), item = $this.data( 'cart-item' ), action = $this.data( 'action' ), id = $this.data( 'fooditem-id' ), data = { action: action, cart_item: item }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: data, dataType: "json", url: rpress_scripts.ajaxurl, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, success: function(response) { if ( response.removed ) { // Remove the $this cart item $('.rpress-cart .rpress-cart-item').each(function() { $(this).find("[data-cart-item='" + item + "']").parents('.rpress-cart-item').remove(); 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if ($(window).width() > 991) { var totalHeight = $('header:eq(0)').length > 0 ? $('header:eq(0)').height() + 30 : 120; if ($(".sticky-sidebar").length != '') { $('.sticky-sidebar').rpressStickySidebar({ additionalMarginTop: totalHeight }); } } else { var totalHeight = $('header:eq(0)').length > 0 ? $('header:eq(0)').height() + 30 : 70; } }); /* Make Addons and Variables clickable for Live Price */ jQuery( document ).ajaxComplete(function() { jQuery('#fooditem-details .food-item-list input').on('click', function(event) { update_modal_live_price( 'fooditem-details' ); }); jQuery('#fooditem-update-details .food-item-list input').on('click', function(event) { update_modal_live_price( 'fooditem-update-details' ); }); }); /* RestroPress Sticky Sidebar - Imported from rp-sticky-sidebar.js */ jQuery(function($){ if ($(window).width() > 991) { var totalHeight = $('header:eq(0)').length > 0 ? $('header:eq(0)').height() + 30 : 120; if ($(".sticky-sidebar").length > 0 ) { $('.sticky-sidebar').rpressStickySidebar({ additionalMarginTop: totalHeight }); 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}); jQuery(document).on("input", ".qty", function() { this.value = this.value.replace(/\D/g,''); }); jQuery(document).on('keyup', '.qty', function(e) { // Updating live price as per quantity liveQtyVal = jQuery(this).val(); var total_price = parseFloat(jQuery( '#rpressModal .cart-item-price').attr('data-current')); var new_price = parseFloat( total_price * liveQtyVal ); jQuery( '#rpressModal .cart-item-price').html( rp_scripts.currency_sign + new_price.toFixed(2) ); }); }); /* RestroPress Live Search - Imported from live-search.js */ jQuery(function($) { $( '.rpress_fooditems_list' ).find( '.rpress-title-holder' ).each(function(){ $(this).attr('data-search-term', $(this).text().toLowerCase()); }); $( '#rpress-food-search' ).on('keyup', function(){ var searchTerm = $(this).val().toLowerCase(); var DataId; var SelectedTermId; $('.rpress_fooditems_list').find('.rpress-element-title').each(function(index, elem) { $(this).removeClass('not-matched'); $(this).removeClass('matched'); }); $('.rpress_fooditems_list').find('.rpress-title-holder').each(function(){ DataId = $(this).parents('.rpress_fooditem').attr('data-term-id'); 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